Read more about the article Applesauce Cookies
Applesauce Cookies blog post

Applesauce Cookies

You get the incredible flavor of apple along with the cinnamon and nutmeg notes that your taste buds crave during the fall season. These are perfect served on a cool fall evening along with a warn mug of apple cider. 

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Read more about the article APPLE-NUT BREAD PUDDING
Apple-nut Bread Pudding blog post


Turn odds and ends around the pantry into a lovely, comforting dessert or extra-special breakfast. We recommend serving this pudding warm, with a light gilding of unsweetened whipping cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or maple sugar.

Read more about the article Apple Butter Muffins
Apple Butter Muffins blog post

Apple Butter Muffins

Now, we have all heard the saying that beauty is only skin deep, right? Well, deliciousness runs all the way through this recipe. While this muffin is not a traditional beauty, they are almost alarmingly delicious, in spite of their appearance.

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